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Dorothea-Dix NAMI Ohio 2015

It’s a startling statistic that nearly 20% of Ohio’s prison inmates are struggling with diagnosable mental illness in any given year. NAMI Ohio brought to the spotlight the fact that those suffering with a mental illness often find themselves incarcerated with no-where else to go. Terry Russell, Executive Director NAMI Ohio addressed the membership and introduced his guest, (actor) Dorothea Dix.  The 600 or so attendees were treated to a re-enactment of Dorothea Dix, mental health advocate of the 1870’s- in costume, exploring the difficulties and historic (mal)treatment of those with mental illness; how many were locked away and their diagnosis criminalized in her time.  There are still troublesome stats and plenty of stigma. For the NAMI membership, behavioral healthcare IS healthcare and merits the same care and attention. A video from Governor John Kasich addressed his concerns and what his office is doing.

Following Dix, keynote  speaker, Thomas J. Dart, Chicago’s Cook County Sheriff talked about the ‘Shameful Criminalization of Mental Illness in the Midwest and Beyond’ and what he has done in the Windy City to initiate change. Lee Dunham, President of NAMI Ohio then introduced the crowd to the ‘A Matter of Life, Strife or Death’  game. Members sitting at each table spun a wheel and picked up a card with a case history which matched a particular color card.  For the break-out sessions held after lunch, each case was presented in play enactment fashion in break-out rooms.

One case history example, ‘The Story of Nathan’ reads like this:  “1) You have schizophrenia. 2) One night, you are found wandering around the neighborhood speaking incoherently. 3) When the police arrive, they determine you are experiencing a mental health crisis and bring you to the emergency room.  4) You remain in the hospital for five days. You return home, where you live with your brother and his family. 5) For several months, you participate in treatment and take the medication your psychiatrist prescribes. 6) When you start to feel better, you decide to drop out of counseling and stop taking your medication. 7) Two weeks later, you wander nude into your neighbor’s house and are found asleep in their bed. 8) You are arrested for breaking and entering. This is the first time that you have been in trouble with the law.”’  In Act One, Nathan appears in Municipal Court. In Act Two, Nathan appears in Mental Health Court.  For this scenario, the cast includes Nathan, Attorney, Prosecutor, Judge and Narrator.

Tracy Plouck, Director of Ohio MHAS and Director Gary Mohr, Director Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction, addressed the hundreds at the NAMI Ohio conference.  Mohr explained that a quarter of the Ohioans entering DRC system annually “have never been in trouble with the legal system before; specifically 25.4% of offenders entering prison have never been convicted of or committed an act of violence.  There are 10,596 on the mental health caseload; 4,161 are classified C1- as having serious mental illness; and 6,435 are classified as C2 or non-seriously ill.  Community mental health programs are 2x as effective at 1/3 of the cost.” State Attorney General Mike DeWine spoke about reform at the luncheon and initiatives of the Attorney General.

Afternoon speaker, Retired Ohio Supreme Court Justice Evelyn Stratton talked about the need for crisis beds and the importance of diversion (in lieu of prison); expansion of CIT (crisis intervention training); court-ordered outpatient assessments, training judges, expanding diversion and pre-trial intervention, specialized mental health dockets as have been done with Veterans, drug courts etc.), county + community planning teams, expansion of behavioral health programs, and more group homes.

The final outcome reveals that today, more than half of those with a mental health disorder went to jail- 56% state prisons; 64%  local prison. Only 22% are employed; 50% with mental health conditions at age 14 drop out of school; 26% are homeless; and many die prematurely-25 years earlier. Over 90% of those who die by suicide had 1 or more mental health disorders.  Change is desperately needed. That’s the platform; and on the bright side- attention is shining on the problem and recovery IS possible.

'Love is thicker than blood'

Ohio’s Inter-court Conference continues to grow.  The conference is most typically attended by juvenile court judges, probation officers, counselors, intake officers, diversion officers, counselors, court administrators, clinicians, magistrates and bailiffs from the majority of Ohio’s counties.  This year, attendees heard the keynote opening presentation, ‘From Desperation to Inspiration’ by Derek Clark, made possible through support of platinum sponsor colleagues at TVN. Pomegranate Health Systems was a silver sponsor/exhibitor at the conference.

Perhaps few saw the presentation coming when Derek began his story.  His mother had only known abuse and that is how he was conceived, product of a violent father who did not want him.  His father tried to cause a spontaneous miscarriage through physical force and beating his mother, actually stomping on her womb while he was just in utero.  His father was imprisoned for a time.  Living in poverty-in a garage for a time, as an infant and toddler, he endured not only child abuse (scalded hands by his mother), but ultimate abandonment, and was eventually turned over to the psychiatric system at age 5. He Dad was later incarcerated as ‘criminally insane’.  Derek said he brought several key points to his seemingly hopeless story:  ‘resilience and redemption’ was key.  There were two messages he made to start the morning, namely, ‘the past has never held him back,’ and ‘make no excuses.’ 

He showed photographs of his psychiatric records and read the descriptive language.  It sounded like he was all but ‘un-adoptable’ and ill-suited to any placement.  As he read the labels, and described his emotional distress, aggression, anxiety, and  behavioral coping mechanisms, he would show photographs of himself, a sweet- looking, blond-haired California kid.  ‘Disable the Label’ became the title of a book. At age six, reports said he had the IQ of a 2 year old and was mentally handicapped.  There were speech and emotional problems.  He then spent 13 years in the foster care system.   One couple made a picture-perfect impression and had a beautiful home in the SF Bay area, good position and stable income, but his abuse continued.  Clark shook his head, ‘You never know what goes on in people’s homes’.   What he endured, ‘followed me for years’, he explained, and that ‘Sometimes our behavior is the only way we can communicate.’   From eight foster home placements he went into shelter care.  At this point the main issue was rage; what to do with the anger.  This resonated with the court crowd.

Clark made the point that if you re-arrange the word ‘listen’, its ‘silent’.  ‘You don’t solve problems without listening first,’ he emphasized.  At the ‘end of the line’, his social worker, a pretty woman with a green sports car, offered a unique pair of foster parents in the San Francisco Bay area, a weekend with the boy. She’d advised him not to mess up and all was going well until the end- when he pitched a fit. The foster dad said, ‘he needs to run- get it out of his system.’  Clark discovered the homestead had gardens, chickens, bunnies and other farm animals and plenty of space to run.  (And one chicken adopted him as it’s pet.)  There were house rules with this family: no video games; TV -1 hour a week; no fast food; no sugar-coated cereal; no soda; and he would have a creative outlet- in this case, music. The clarinet became his best friend- he became a talented musician.  Clark performs internationally today as a singer and songwriter and inspirational speaker on not letting the past limit your life in the present.

He shared how his frugal foster mother of several kids, modified K-Mart sneakers to look more like the far pricier designer brands so he would not be made fun of, by obnoxious and bullying teens.  Clark is still very close to his foster family. A piece of wisdom he interjected, ‘love is thicker than blood. It doesn’t have to be about DNA to be a parent –foster!’ The 16-year old fashioned himself punk-hip; as ‘Diamond D’ and began to vocalize his anger through rap music.  The audience saw his ‘hip’ teen picture with the big hair from ‘back in the day’. One day on the playground where teens gathered to skateboard and rap he was challenged to ‘bring it’ by a black teen ring leader.  That’s where he connected with and discovered his mojo with the rage and gritty life experience spilling out.  As ‘Rappin’ Dad’ one or more of his videos went viral (we posted the link on Facebook) and Clark auditioned recently for America’s Got Talent.  His message is ‘I will never give up.’  Clark has given a TED Talk on ‘The Power of Determination’; appeared on CNN Headline News, The Steve Harvey TV Show, The Ricki Lake Show and has authored six books- all inspirational in nature.  Clark challenged the audience, “We are all born with a bag of concrete and a bucket of water.  Are we  going to build stumbling blocks or stepping stones?”  The audience was on their feet. 

Here are links to Derek Clark’s website, TED Talk, videos/CDs and books:

[photo credit: DNf-style/Dreamstime Frank and Danielle Kaumann My Adopted Daughters]