
“Let’s just say an adolescent has had some behavioral issues. (This is a hypothetical story) And let’s say the teen has been unmanageable at school, often truant, and violates curfew; occasionally even disappears for a day or two. And perhaps the teen has been disruptive at home; threatening parent/s, siblings and ‘hanging out’ with some folks the family would rather not see.  Maybe this child has had an encounter with the law, or the family has had a discussion with counselors and/or children service.  The teen sleeps in, watches TV, plays video games, eats chips and soda and supplements his/her  sporadic diet of  ‘junk food’ with ‘fast food’.  His/her personal hygiene/health has also suffered as he/she engages in risky and/or illegal behaviors. There could be an STI/STD.  Freedom to harm others, and one’s self is an issue with a minor who may also suffer mood swings, or bouts of depression,” explained Rhena, LPCC/CR, residential therapist.

->Enter Pomegranate Health Systems. ‘The teen receives a complete diagnostic assessment- mental, physical, nutritional, and is assigned a CPST and a therapist.  He/she receives a patient handbook (we have a new one for 2015).  Each teen must follow a schedule that includes individual therapy, group therapy, treatment team, nursing group, art therapy, scheduled recreation, and CPST sessions.  It is an intensive, integrative program that takes the whole child into consideration.  Electronics- cell phone, personal tablet, cameras are not permitted.  There is school on site (Summit Academy); a classroom on every unit. And there are house rules to be honest, considerate, use manners and behave and dress in a socially acceptable way,’ explained Valerie, Admissions/UR Manager. ‘This is a secure facility. A teen cannot come and go as they please-for their own good.’

She continued, “This is a strength-based program.  There are award points for completing everything from personal hygiene to attending group.  The points are redeemable for rewards- personal care products, music downloads etc. and outings. Student Senate gives residents a voice in everything from meal selection to community visits/rewards.   In our latest survey, 0.26% felt the staff was not courteous (one patient); 86% gave above average to excellent ratings, out of 409 total.”

Occasionally the staff will get a letter:  “I just wanted to say thanks for doing everything you’ve done for me. I know I have been rude to you my whole stay here, but I really want you to know that you have helped me get through my issues. You are pretty cool and I will miss you.”  So, in the beginning, sometimes a teen doesn’t like it . . .

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